Multitud en el horizonte

Multitud en el horizonte


-> Jun 1 2023 – Jun 30 2023

Sociedad Dante Alighieri

today open 10:00AM 4:00PM

The exhibition La Multitud en el horizonte intends to show how much Mexico knows how to transmit its own culture but also that of others by adapting to all the materials it offers. From the earth to the artificial image, all the artists present here offer us an understanding of art in Mexico. Of great cultural richness, born from the fusion of pre-Hispanic indigenous traditions and beliefs, colonial ones and after the country's independence as a nation, it continues to fascinate historians, anthropologists and archaeologists. Mexico is also a welcoming country, open to other cultures. The art in this exhibition is both popular art represented by Francisco Javier Macedo Álvarez, decolonial art by Poctli Nezahualxolotl, Japanese art whose population has been present since the end of the 19th century in Mexico by Iskra Benítez Mendoza, a chronicle of society through portraits by Rajae Qarrou, Diego Barrios Sánchez and Jean Carlo Sandy, modernity and the use of technologies by Eduardo Ramírez and Juan José Diaz Infante; without forgetting Mexican spirituality by Marianna Medina and Carolina Ruiz. A country full of splendid contrasts and complementarities between tradition and modernity, patriotism and internationalism, past and future, materialism and spirituality, with art offering complex discourses feeding the curatorial discourses. We look forward to welcoming you to enjoy all its facets.

— Carine Capitolo, curator.

The exhibition creates a dialogue between all the artists and interfaces with performances by Ixiptlah, Ensamble de guitarras FAM/UNAM by Mtra Marina Tomei, soloist Gerardo Zarate, Reforma50music, Goko Music and Ketzal & Ludovic Duet, which will be presented on the day of the opening on June 1st.

Image: Carolina Ruiz (detail)